Thursday 25 March 2010

Dibujo y video.

Aquí os dejo un dibujo que hice y que presenté este año para la revista de mi insti y un video que he colgado en Youtube. Mi usuario es "Tornonelloceano".

Monday 28 December 2009

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!!!

Ahora que se ha acabado el trabajo de inglés ya puedo escribir en castellano.
Sabéis que la Navidad es un tiempo para pasar en familia, pero hay que recordar que el cuñado no es familia; así que ya sabéis, por una Navidad ¡¡¡¡¡¡SIN GORRONES!!!!!!
Todos queremos disfrutar de la nieve (yo no puedo, vivo en una isla) y pasárnoslo en grande con los amigos, por eso, os dejo unas imágenes.


Se ve mal, lo sé. No la había más grande :(

Monday 19 October 2009


Seira is the next Keeper of the Orange Pearl and Mermaid Princess of the Indian Ocean, following the death of Sara - the former Mermaid Princess.
Seira is introduced in the second story arc.
On the day of her birth, the Sea Monsters attacked and Michel, the leader, absorbs her into his body despite Lucia tries to protect her. After she is absorbed, Sara's spirit gives Lucia a little blue box containing the orange pearl and tells her to gather the pieces of Seira's heart which are contained in Michel's wings. She continues to do so throughout the story, and every time she gathers one feather, Seira learns one thing about love or friendship.
By coming in contact with Michel's heart, Seira begins to realize that he is actually very lonely and sad, and shows sympathy to him.
When the mermaid princesses meet Michel in a final confrontation, Seira's spirit is freed from Michel (in two different ways in the anime and the manga). Then Seira informs her fellow Mermaid Princesses about Michel's sad heart and persuades them into saving him together.

Notes: Seira means "holy and good".

Seira has four forms: her mermaid, human, spirit, and Orange Pearl Voice form.

Her mermaid form follows the trend of all the other mermaid princesses, with two pearl bracelets around her right wrist and tail. She wears two earrings that are identical to Sara's.She is also the only mermaid who wears a ring. Mermaid form or transformation.

In her human form in the anime, she wears an orange dress with yellow sleeves. She wears a necklace with her pearl inside it like the other mermaid princesses. Her hair is shorter, but otherwise unchanged. She is the youngest mermaid.

Lastly, there is her idol form, her Orange Pearl Voice. Her costume is a red-orange short dress, with yellow ruffles down the side and a yellow bow with lighter color ribbon on the back. She also wears dark orange gloves and boots with ruffles going upward.Her dress color is slightly lighter than Sara`s
It is said that Seira is 5 years old and is the daughter of Sara, but her age is actually undetermined and she is the sucessor of Sara.

She can sing without transforming, which is similar to Sara. This actually helps in one way or another.

In the anime, Seira shouts "Orange Pearl Voice!" to transform. In the manga, she is only seen in her transformed outfit.

Seira can sing to fend off enemies, even in her spirit form.
In her idol form, like Lucia and the others, Seira can use her singing voice to get rid of enemies.
Like Sara, she is an incredibly powerful Mermaid Princess; both Orange Pearl Princesses were able to evoke powerful emotions in other characters when singing, without transforming into their idol forms.

Her songs are called "Beautiful Wish" and "Birth of Love":

Sunday 18 October 2009


Sara is the Keeper of the Orange Pearl and Mermaid Princess of the Indian Ocean.
In the first story arc, she is the reason to why the sea world has been in such unease. Some eight years before the series she fell in love with a human and was abandoned by him without explaining why. Her sorrow, anger and hatred clouded her heart and turned her into a black mermaid, as black as her heart has become and once her pearl went out of control, she accidentally caused a gigantic storm that caused great damage to her and Coco's kingdom as well as causing the death of Kaito's parents.
Sara then went to the imprisoned Gaito and freed him with the holy key that Lucia's pet, Hippo, was supposed to guard and used him to get vengeance on human beings by capturing her fellow mermaid princesses and use their pearls' powers to rule the human world.
Eight years later, she meets the man of her sorrow and tries to make him suffer until he makes her realize why he had left her without even saying goodbye - he did it because she carries the responsibility of protecting the sea world. After making her realize why he did what he did, her hatred disappeared turning her back to her normal self.
In order to stop Gaito, who has become insane after thinking that Sara "abandoned" him, Sara transforms into Orange Pearl Voice and joins the others in their singing and destroy Gaito's plan. When he and his palace goes down, she decides to die along with him. But before she does, she gives her orange pearl to Lucia and asks her to protect it for her until the new mermaid princess of the Indian Ocean is born.
In the second story arc, Sara's spirit returns occasionally to guide Lucia and tells her about Seira, the new Mermaid Princess of the Indian Ocean.
In the final episode of the anime, Sara returns to sing with the others in one final live concert.

Sara has five forms: her ordinary mermaid, black mermaid, human, Black Pearl Voice, and Orange Pearl Voice form.
Black Pearl Voice is in the manga only.

Her ordinary mermaid forms follow the trend of all the other mermaid princesses, with two pearl bracelets around her right wrist and tail.
In her black mermaid form, her hair and tail (which is scalier than the others in the manga) are covered by black colors that represent her hatred to Taro's betrayal. In her evil human form, she wears a white dress and covers her hair with a white cloth. She had done that to herself when she destroyed her own country when she heard of Taro's betrayal.

In her normal human form, she wears the exact same dress, but her hair color is orange. She wears a necklace with her pearl inside it like the other mermaid princesses. Before her heart returns to the good side, her hair and pearl were an ebony black color of her evil feelings of betrayal.

In the manga, she can transform into Black Pearl Voice. In her Black Pearl Voice form, her dress is long and completely black, with a black rose ribbon around her neck. Her mic and pearl are also completely black.

Lastly, there is her true idol form, her Orange Pearl Voice. Her costume is an orange long dress, with yellow ruffles on the side and a yellow bow on the back and a slit on the right side that stops between the kness and mid thigh. her gloves are doubled layered the first layer is orange the second layer is a lighter shade and shoes are orange with yellow trim on the front and have a small heel, they somehow resemble slippers. Her front hair is bundled with yellow bands. Her and Rina's dresses are alike.

Among the Mermaid Princesses, Sara is known to be the most powerful due to the combined power of her hatred and status as a Mermaid Princess. She appears to be the oldest of the mermaid princess.

In the anime and manga, Sara shouts "Orange Pearl Voice!" to transform into her idol form. In the manga while she is still evil, she can transform into Black Pearl Voice, while in that form, her hair, clothes and microphone are black in color.

In her idol form, like Lucia and the others, Sara can use her singing voice to get rid of enemies. However, she can also use it to attack the other princesses by singing in front of them. She can also use her voice without being a mermaid or being in her idol form. In the anime, she can also conjure up a powerful beam of frequensy coming from her singing voice to stop a powerful tsunami while no other mermaid princess can. She is also much more powerful than all the other mermaid princesses having shown to be immune to their singing and to have caused them all severe pain when she was singing.

She proves to be immune to her fellow princesses' singing because of her princess status, as stated in the last episodes of the first season. Sara claims that because she is still a mermaid princess, all of Aqua Regina's songs are unaffective towards her.

Her song is called "Return to the Sea":

Thursday 15 October 2009


Coco is the Mermaid Princess of the South Pacific Ocean and the Keeper of the Yellow Pearl. She is also friends with the Orange Mermaid Princess Sara. She is the second oldest after Sara. After Sara was left by Taro, Coco tried to be there for her, but she lost control of her pearl and caused great damage to both her and Coco's kingdoms.
Notes: In the manga, her kingdom was never harmed by Sara's pearl's power.
Later, Sara released Gaito from imprisonment and Coco was captured until she was rescued Lucia, Hippo, Hanon, Rina and Karen. Her capture makes her the first mermaid princess to become kidnapped by the sea monsters.
Coco has three forms: her mermaid, human, and Yellow Pearl Voice form.

Her mermaid form follows the trend of all the other Mermaid Princesses, with two pearl bracelets around her right wrist and tail.

In her human form, her long hair cuts shorter to her shoulders and become golden yellow in color. He eyes also become gold in color. She wears a necklace with her pearl inside it like the other Mermaid Princesses. She usually wears yellow clothing.

Lastly, there is her idol form, her Yellow Pearl Voice. Her costume is a short goldish yellow dress with a large light yellow stripe in the middle with yellow orange ruffles on the sides. The dress has a short knee-length yellow pleated skirt with an orange-yellow bow on the back. It also includes pale yellow high heel boots and light yellow gloves with cuffs.
Coco does not appear in a mermaid princess gown. Yellow Pearl Voice only has one outfit in the manga, and has received no power-ups.

In the anime, Coco shouts "Yellow Pearl Voice!" to transform. In the manga, Coco does not have a phrase to transform, she simply just transforms.Coco can sing to fend off enemies. Once joined with the other mermaid princesses, her voice's power increases. In the manga, she can even do so in her mermaid form and without her pearl.
In the Manga, Coco was captured when the story began. In chapter 14, when she is awoken, she decides to stay with Sara for unknown reasons. When she is awakened again in chapter 19, she realizes that the final battle is taking place. She then sings to help Sara remember that she loves Taro Mitsuki. Once, to battle Michel, she steals Hippo's key rod to fight him. (Chapter 29) She displays a fun-loving cheerful personality, playful and somewhat gentle, unlike her brash, arrogant anime counterpart. She also plays a slightly larger role than comic relief in the manga. However, in the manga, very much like the anime, Coco also likes to have fun, hang around boys, and occasionally displays a somewhat sexy side. She is a very devoted and loving friend.
Coco, like the manga, was captured at the very beginning of the series. She, however, was not awoken until the last few episodes of the season. She was crying in Lucia's arms for Sara, and therefore told them about her and Sara's kingdoms being destroyed. In a filler episode of season 2, she is seen hunting around for a shell that holds Sara's memories of the bad times, in fear that the memories would be released or taken into the wrong hands. This was not displayed in the manga. Also in the anime, she does not sing a solo. Coco is brash and arrogant in the anime, unlike her manga counterpart. She, though, as well as her manga counterpart, loves to have fun, hang around boys, and sometimes displays a somewhat sexy side.
Some viewers speculate that Coco admires Lady Bat, because when he winks at her, Coco blushes. It is unknown if this is true or not.

This is true, if you put this video on Youtube in minute 6:47, you'll see how Coco blushes:
And in minute 8:10, Lady Bat almost bites Coco.

Wednesday 14 October 2009


She is the Mermaid Princess of the Arctic Ocean, and is twin sister of Karen, although they are born in different places and have never met each other (this is because they were "chosen twins by fate"). Noel and Rina are close friends and swore to help each other when their enemy was making trouble in the seas. Noel and Rina escaped when their kingdoms were destroyed, but they were caught up by the monsters and Noel sacrificed herself to save Rina.
Since then, Noel has been contained in a sleeping glass until she was finally rescued.
As a person, Noel is quite gentle and courageous. In the anime, she visits the library sometimes to read while she is on vacation on shore with the other princesses, and is also revealed to like to study the mystical forces.
Noel means 'christmas' in French, and is ironically the time of singing christmas carols.

Noel has three forms: her mermaid, human, and Deep Blue Pearl Voice form.

Her mermaid form follows the trend of all the other mermaid princesses, with a deep blue strapless seashell bra, two deep blue colored pearl bracelets around her right wrist and a band of the same color around her upper arms and two pearl bracelets around her tail.

In her human form, her eyes remain same color as when she is in her mermaid form. Her hair is Dark Blue/ Sea Blue which is styled into waves, with a right parted fringe. She is often seen reading. She is 162 cm and weighs 119 lbs. She was born the 13 of February of 1984.

Lastly, there is her idol form, her Deep Blue Pearl Voice.
Her costume is a short strapless blue dress with purple ruffles on the one side, it is above the knee with a light blue trim on the top. She also has white gloves and high heel boots with pale blue pearls on the wrist and ankles and deep blue cuffs that extend to her midarm and slightly below the knees. Adorning the back of her waist is a light blue bow on the back with dark blue ribbon to match the dress. A blue and purple barette partly holds back her hair.

In the anime, Noel shouts "Ai-iro Pearl Voice!" to transform.

In her idol form, like Lucia and the others, Noel can use her singing voice to get rid of enemies. Noel's voice, matches her personality, calm, and soft. She is not shown to have her own song in the manga or anime, instead she is usually seen singing along side Coco and Caren.

In the manga, Noel has two different hairstyles. In arc one, her hair is middle parted, long and wavy. But when she makes her entrance in the second arc, she has a side fringe resembling Carens, but on the opposite side.In the anime however, it stays the same through both arcs, remaining as a side fringe.

Noel in her blue Pearl Voice form super idol.

Monday 12 October 2009


Karen is the Keeper of the Purple Pearl and Mermaid Princess of the Antarctic Ocean, which is also known as the Southern Ocean.
Karen has a twin sister named Noel who is Mermaid Princess of Artic Ocean. After finding out that Noel has become captured by the sea monsters, Karen sought out on a quest to find her and meets Lucia, Hanon and Rina. She initially despised Rina and blamed her for leaving her sister behind and running away on her own until she learns the truth, but she is still reluctant to being with them. But whenever she needs to, she will appear to assist her friends.
In the end, they work together to confront their enemy and Karen finally frees her sister, along with Coco, the Mermaid Princess of the South Pacific Ocean. Karen's name means pure. Karen is a mature person and dislikes Rina for what she did.
Though Karen lacks a real love interest like Lucia, Rina and Hanon, she had fallen for a man named Subaru in the anime.
Karen can mean 'pure' in Greek.

Caren has three forms: her mermaid, human and Purple Pearl Voice form.

Her mermaid form follows the trend of all the other mermaid princesses, with two pearl bracelets around her right wrist and tail.

In her human form, her light purple hair becomes a wine purple color, and her eyes also become a brown color (in the manga, her hair in the human form is wine purple, her eyes are blue). She wears a necklace with her pearl inside it like the other mermaid princesses. In the manga, Karen (in the human form) first appears in chapter 9. She is 168 cm and weighs 120 lbs. She was born the 14 of February of 1984.

Lastly, there is her idol form, her Purple Pearl Voice.
Her costume is a white short strapless dress with purple ruffles down the one side and it is above knee length with purple trim at top. Her bow is a slightly brighter shade with lighter purple ribbon on the end. Her gloves are white with purple cuffs that extend to her mid arm and her high-heeled boots have the same colors. She has a purple and white barette in her hair.

In the anime, Karen shouts "Purple Pearl Voice!" to transform. In the manga, she can transform at will with no incantation.
In her idol form, like Lucia and the others, Karen can use her singing voice to get rid of enemies.
Her song is 'Aurora no Kaze Ni Notte', and in the manga, at the end of her songs, she uses 'Cutie Hot Pitch'. In the anime, she uses 'Love Shower Pitch' with the rest of the mermaids.

Her song is Aurora no Kaze Ni Notte:
But in Spanish, the first version of this song is "dangerous":